0409 432 670 clint.draftone@bigpond.com
12A Henry Street, Richmond, Tasmania 7025.
Draftone Tasmania endeavours to use passive solar design in all designs. Using the sun in winter and protecting from the summer sun is very important in new homes
We were accredited in 2009 by the Building Designers Association of Australia
We use designer 3D software for practical and functional reasons. It helps with accuracy especially on steep blocks and when it comes to clients viewing their home
Draftone do concepts to help with ideas of floor plans and materials to use for new homes, extensions and renovations
Discuss client’s brief and requirements, ideas, wish list (likes), dislikes, materials & budgets etc.
A survey of the land & title plan will be undertaken and sketches completed for the client to see.
Once the initial concept has been approved then accurate plans and 3D model can be produced.
Once the plans are approved the working drawings (structural design) can be produced.
"Draftone Tasmania endeavours to use passive solar design in all designs. Using the sun in winter and protecting from the summer sun is very important in new homes."